
Ramzi Hermassi career and history

 Raised in the ES Feriana after many seasons spent in the club and won the title of top scorer, he is sold to the Etoile Sportive de Métlaoui club for the sum of 79 000 dinars or € 25 000 2006-2007 After a season he collects 25 appearances and 30 goals, this unleashes Jendouba Sport who buys him for the 2007-2008 season for 160 000 dinars or 50 700 € 2007-2008 During the season in Ligue 1 he collects 18 appearances and 9 causes a serious injury the player remains inactive before being sold at the end of the season to El Makarem de Mahdia 2008-2009 In the following season he moved to Etihad Bouslim 2009-2010 In 2010-2011 he moved to the US Sbeitla                                                 In 2011-2012 he moved to the Etoile Sportive d'El Jem   After he moves to Italy and wears the colors of Manduria in an amateur championship